Our commitment to the community goes well beyond words. After moving to our current headquarters on St. Louis street in downtown Mobile, AL, we set out to meet our neighbors and let them know we are here, not just as a neighbor, but as a community partner! A relationship with a neighborhood elementary school Principal emerged presenting an amazing opportunity to help the children within. Heart of Mary Catholic School is a precious historic elementary school situated a few blocks away. The Principal of Heart of Mary brought up the clever idea of hosting a Mardi Gras-themed party for the students with a nod to history, food, and the fun associated with the celebration. The Mobile Carnival Association brought preserved king and queen trains of former Heart of Mary students to exhibit for the kids. Thus the school held its first carnival featuring a parade with floats and throws! We were able to donate the Mardi Gras throws, candied apples, and popcorn to add some fun flair to the event. To see the smiles and excitement on the children's faces after such a long, tough pandemic year was incredible. A sense of normalcy seemed to be restored, and the children loved every minute. We are grateful for such a lovely community school and the shared commitment to the success of our youth!
For the Kids & From the Heart
Rogers & Willard partners to help Heart of Mary Catholic School hold Carnival for the Kids