Our building of the month for November is Pure Word Ministries located in the Prichard area. In 2014, Rogers & Willard bought an old house on Dawson Street, cut the building in half and moved it to the area that is stands today behind the Pure Word church building.
Once moved, Rogers & Willard did a total gut and reconstruction for the house before donating it. This act of kindness allowed citizens in the area struggling with alcohol, drug and other addictions to get the help that they need while also fellowshipping with others who have kicked their addictions or may be struggling as well.
Rogers & Willard are so proud and grateful to be apart of the renovation and are glad that they were able to help see the project through and offer a space for those in the Mobile, Alabama area who are looking to get help.
Pure Word Ministries began in February of 1987 after many had asked and prayed for an area to seek help in the community and remain grounded in faith throughout the transformation. Today, the ministry still stands serving those in the Mobile, Alabama area who are wanting and trying to get clean.